InLeo Feels Like Web 2 and We Are Ready for Mass Adoption + My Biggest LPUD Participation

in LeoFinance7 months ago

I have made my biggest $LEO Power Up Day contribution today with post earnings + @leo.voter delegation (which I spend most of my HP on). Now I eagerly await for lower prices if possible. I know that the fundamentals there there to send $LEO to the Moon and I want to at least accumulate 15,000 $LEO (50,000 is a little too big at the moment for me). Lower prices mean I earn more Tokens for my delegations.

1064.07 LEO Powered Up

Even at the current rate, I should be capable of reaching my 15K goal by Q3 of 2024. I don't intend to sell any of the stake unless there was a very strong reason. I want to maintain a high enough stake to be a Dolphin and sell liquid rewards for various use cases. Social media can and should become decoupled from $BTC and $ETH price swings. There is very little in common between an attempt at digital gold (whitepaper said "A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System") vs a decentralized alternative to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc.

Learn More About LPUD

The article above covers the eligibility criteria and the prices offered. Once you join, @hivebuzz will let you know about it and even give a badge. There are prizes to win in the form of LEO Power Delegations if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, @onealfa has you covered with his Super BAD LUCK prize exclusively available for Premium Members.

Premium is Important

I have already written about Premium in detail. I think it is a good investment for anyone who intends to be a part of part of the community for a long time as an active content creator. None of the $HBD goes to the pockets of the developers. It goes into a Liquidity Pool that will reduce the slippage for large swaps for $LEO and $HIVE.

The article discusses the Premium subscription service offered by @leofinance, a decentralized social media platform built on the Hive blockchain. The author argues that the platform's unique features and the potential for increased liquidity and value for users make it a worthwhile investment. They also highlight the transparency and fairness of the platform's revenue distribution, as well as the potential for users to earn passive income through the liquidity pool. The author concludes by encouraging readers to try out the Premium features and experience the benefits for themselves. What would you like to know? 😊

If you are wondering about this other Leo, there is an article I have written about it. Leo is the most accessible and private AI that I have found. It would be great if @leofinance could make these features native to InLeo platform. Most of the technology is already open source.

InLeo Feels Like Web 2

I think @khaleelkazi will be very happy to hear this statement. He did want to provide the features of Web 3 at the speed and convenience of Web 2. I have already made a Thread about this along with a poll. Only 2 Lions voted and one of them was me. We certainly need to reach those Web 2 user counts soon (without ™).

Discord Support is Excellent

Making a support ticket is one of those things that are not very important until it becomes the most important thing. LeoDEX is not swapping HIVE and SWAP.HIVE and I didn't get the refund. I had to use Discord after a long time and I soon got a fast and efficient response. I could say that I have had a very good experience. The support team is doing a very good job.

That is only a part of the conversation. I can certainly say that I have no fears of reservations about sending crypto noobs to InLeo in this new bull market cycle. What I'm lacking at the moment is friends + networking. I have more friends on blockchain than what I have IRL.

DAPPs Should Not Look Like DAPPs

People use the internet without knowing anything about the inner workings of it. Even if we explain them the "magic", they may not understand it. We have to skip to the part where people simply "use" the technology. Right now InLeo pass this test. I would prefer if people don't use Google or X to sign in. I want people to use Keychain or another open source key management tool. Yet it is a large point of friction to new users.

The current state of InLeo has minimum friction to get started and using Threads feel like a regular Web 2 experience. Rethreads contributed a great deal to this in my experience. We are ready to take on centralized social media. Even at our absolute worst, we are already ahead of Reddit + Medium. Eventually we will have paywalled content to take on Substack and We Already Have Basic Building Blocks for a Patreon Alternative.

We Are Ready for Mass Adoption!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

The experience on inleo is no doubt as easy as web 2 platforms. And over time it’ll keep getting better. I wish you luck on your Leo goals I think you’ll get there sooner than you expected if you up your threads game. Thread on ser

Thank you! I have seen some unexpected rewards from #threads. I should try to do it more often. At the same time, I worry if I would end creating too much content for my readers to digest in their busy days.

Well, I guess readers would have to adjust if you make the threads worth engaging with. Lol but we can balance it out too so we don’t over do it.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@vimukthi(2/5) tipped @mviews

Great to see you're growing your stake @vimukthi. 🦁