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RE: Crypto Financial Innovation Just Getting Started

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Much of this innovation will have to fight the existing government regulations and their cronies. When Microsoft was spending their time innovating and competing in the markets instead of spending on lobbying, they got targeted by DC lawyers. Microsoft had to pay millions for the crime of providing a web browser for free.

They learned their lesson and started spending hundreds of millions of lobbying and not so much on innovation and competition after that. That's the story with many tech firms. They become too connected with the swamp.

Much of the demand for crypto is coming from banks and investment funds that are drowning in privacy violations and bureaucracy. Most people who get into crypto won't even hold their own keys. We really need to triple down on building easy to use decentralized infrastructure with better UI/UX. @leofinance is actually doing this with their new signup by making what is basically a funnel that gets people into owning their own keys.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We really need to triple down on building easy to use decentralized infrastructure with better UI/UX.

This is 1000% accurate. We need to keep innovating and building a lot of open source, decentralized solutions. If that is accomplished, there is no one point of vulnerability.

With the Microsoft situation, that was one company. There is no one company to go after with blockchain. Also, if there is a particular UI, if things are open source, wiping out one UI will do not good since 2 others pop up.

I am looking forward to what 3Speak has planned with decentralized video storage. That could be enormous and a huge step forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am looking forward to what 3Speak has planned with decentralized video storage. That could be enormous and a huge step forward.

There is the added advantage of being able to lean from projects that came before such as FileCoin, Sia, Storj etc.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta