There Should Be a HIVE/BLURT Side Chain for Ephemeral Content | An Update on My Previous Thoughts

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

I wrote an article titled Case for Disappearing Content on HIVE, 3Speak, BLURT and Microblogging a month ago. The case for can be ephemeral content can be summarized as following:

  • Not everyone want to have their content stored forever
  • Users are more conscious and restrictive regarding posting when storage is permanent
  • Periodic pruning of data can solve this problem

I see this as a real problem to be solved. I do think there will be a significant market for such an application. Even Snapchat came to prominence with the idea of content that get deleted after some time. Now we have a multi billion dollar company that is loosing hundreds of mullions of dollars yearly.

Few Responses Received

Thank you @jfang003 and @oniemaniego for your feedback. I have thought about this more and updated my case.

What I Got Wrong

Users already have an idea of what HIVE is. The STEEM blockchain was built from ground to be an immutable, censorship resistant blog. HIVE and BLURT were forked from that code. Changing that code safely without unforeseen negative consequences is a very difficult thing. We are not on a blockchain that was meant to change and be very customizable.

Koinos can adapt rapidly. You can start on the rabbit hole with the Whitepaper or by visiting the YouTube Channel.

Lessons Learned From Other Projects

Take a look at what Cosmos is doing with Evmos. They did not change the way Cosmos work. Because of IBC Protocol it is easier for Cosmos to keep adding different side chains with various features. That does not mean we cannot do the same. We have world's #1 blockchain game built on a blockchain that does not even have smart contracts.

Some projects that adopted EVM are not even blockchains (Hashgraph, Fantom etc.) It should be possible for a HIVE/BLURT side chain to exist that reset the post content each epoch to provide a fresh start while retaining the immutability and censorship resistance during the length of the epoch. It will be interesting to see what kind of change in content and voting/curation habits would appear on such a project.

Happy Thought Experiments!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think I'm on board with you; no need to keep all old content open; perhaps archiving it in a way that 'hides' it, except from the original content creator might be helpful - or a button that is, 'Hide in 6 months' or 'Keep open indefinitely'. I wonder which button most people would hit?

I realized users (including me) are technically milking Hive, but even certain groups are butchering Hive, so I raised the idea of adding a 1% (capped at X.XXY Hive) per transfer/transaction so that any transaction will burn Hive for the benefit of Hive.

I was pointed out to the Hive Blockchain Whitepaper which was basically the single source of truth for everything Hive, on page 1 Hive = fee-less, so if to make ideas not in the whitepaper become a reality, it needs a new blockchain or the top witnesses will agree on it.

To support your idea, a separate database/blockchain could store all the blog posts/comments then based on the setting (disappearing after X days, or permanent) it will be:
(1) deleted from a centralized database forever, a foreign key is stored in the main blockchain for this; or
(2) just hidden through a special offchain encryption (maybe layer 2). Any person who forcibly access it will see garbled text unless the account owner will revert its settings to visible.

Still, it's complicated, especially when talking of blockchain since it is really decentralized ledger by definition. I remember the user anonymouser leaving because of this issue.

All of our Hive data, even if we edit our posts, are still perfectly visible to bad actors to make use of.

Messing with Layer 1 that has been providing a great user experience is a dangerous idea. Trying this on Layer 2 first to see the results on the other hand can be a good experiment. We need new, innovative and radical ideas tested on Layer 2 and have Layer 1 be a more reliable and stable network. I think that is the best way to go.

The best place to try these type of ideas would be Koinos IMHO. Read Koinos Whitepaper if you haven't already. It is from the Ex-Steemit developers and I have nothing but good things to say about the project at the moment.

I agree with a Layer 2 solution and I don't mind giving the user a choice to decide when content would be too old. There is a lot of old posts and they are usually not that important afterwards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey mate, you left the "posted on leo finance" legend 4 times at the end of your post, fix that! :P

Great post and congrats on getting a decentralized curation vote this past week, keep this kind of posts coming!

We invite you to check out the latest initiatives by @leogrowth:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for the heads up!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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