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RE: Hammer Time! ( U ) Can't Touch This - When Sharks Smell Your Crypto

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Well, nice art, but you might have to buy it from yourself if you turn it into an nft.😂😂

Are you insulting me here? ;<)
That won't help me to pay off my debt haha

Student loan indeed needs to be paid off with income. Or, to rephrase this, the money that I've received since graduation was either already taxed or tax free or I didn't make enough in a year to go over the income threshold to pay off my debts.


This threshold, is it something that is agreed on before taking the loan?

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No idea. That is too long ago. I was naïve back then, I am wise clever now. So I do what I can not to pay them back without breaking the rules ;<)