Starting a brand identity with AI:

in LeoFinancelast month

Still trying out the new GPT4-o, this is second article about that, you can read the first one here:

Image generation

We all know that image are an important part of a post, it is what make people want to click on it in the first place.
Creating an image from scratch would probably take too much time and unless you are an expert in graphics it might not convey the message you want to send.

One of the solution before was to google an image you could use for a post but then you had the problem of copyrights, most image on the web are not free to use, especially with Hive you have the problem of monetisation that could pose an extra challenge for you.

And then AI came

With the advancement in AI technology came the opportunity to create new image from scratch with just a few minutes and a good prompt. I personally started with using different tools but ended up buying a GPT-4 subscription last year which gave me access to image creation directly from GPT which would connect to DALL-E for the creation.

This worked great for a while and I have created images I have been using on my posts, I plan to put them all on my website in a gallery for reference when I take the time to complete that project.

Today I tried the new version of GPT4-o for image generation and I am pleased with the result.
I asked GPT to update my image with the logo I use on my website, which I still need to work on. With the previous version of GPT I was not able to update an image efficiently and adding text wasn't great, sometime it would misspell words that I had written.

This version is doing a much better job at image generation with text which can be very useful in saving you time.

I first created the image with the prompt asking GPT to ask me questions before creating the image for best result.
GPT did ask me questions about colors, logo, text and elements I wanted to add.
Below is my reply with the second prompt

Color Scheme: either artic ice blue or yellow of joy(maybe try both mixed and separated); No logo yet, maybe I will add my NFT image later; text1: "Grow with the community"; tone is inspirational.

Modifying images

As you can see in the last screenshot I only had the background with the first text and then I ask GPT to re-edit the previous image to add the logo from my website which I did upload directly into the prompt.

I won't lie it did take a few try after the original image to get what I wanted.
First GPT did put the logo on the right corner with the text under it which was of course cut in half. I didn't know if it would work to ask it to center everything but it did work and a bit too much as the added logo was on top of the first text but was in the center. So you have to be precise but understand that GPT will just execute without think where a graphic person would have never put that on top, it did look silly.

Anyway after the placement was found I wanted to change the color, I asked GPT to use the same color as the previous text then tried with the color of my logo's background, both were unsuccessful and it spilled out standard blue.

I believe it would have been a better result if I provided the HEX code for the color but I wanted to see if GPT was able to analyse the image and picket the color.

In the end I did settle for black for my username and my final command was to ask it to make the text bigger. Overall I am satisfied with the result, with a little bit of try and error, I could have an image I liked within 30 minutes.

What is great about the new version is that you can get it for free but with a limited rate of message created.

Maybe at one point we will see image generation directly on the inleo platform

Brand identity

My thinking this time was a bit different, I realised that if I wanted to invest more time on this blockchain and create more content, I needed to develop a kind of brand identity which got me thinking about creating a single image I could use in multiple posts, specially when sometimes I don't feel like using an image and I would only want to post text but it doesn't work on HIVE. Image is a must for the content feed so this is my answer to the problem.

I could also be useful if I want to create a weekly series of posts where, I think it would help people recognise what the content could be about.

Right know I am working on creating a content calendar planning for the future posts I could create on on top of augmenting my thread activity on the platform.

I am trying to view it as a business as this was discussed during the previous Lion's dent by taskmaster. $LEO holders need to view inleo as having a part ownership in the business with vested interest in the success of this app. I really see now that being a passive investor simply won't work for inleo and won't work for HIVE, the future is in the community and community engagement so let's grow together and make this the go to social media site on blockchain where you own it.


I do use it for image creation and to get inspiration for posts, sometime research as well because the it can search the web but DO NOT use it to create the text for a post, it will not be original from you and people can see that and you might get downvoted.

AI is a great tool fro assisting you in your task but don't let it be your master. What people value is your unique point of view and to an extend your character through the words you write yourself, writing is an expression of you and a great skill to learn and practice.

You can checkout my threads and other posts on

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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