A brief reaction to Leofinance update.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The update by the Leofinance team announcing the upcoming snapshot is just awesome. I guess I will have to decide on sticking to curating or delving fully into the DeFi space.

A suggestion to those who are working into the Binance smart chain space and intend to use trust wallet: please create a separate wallet for all leo based smart contract.


You might find reasons to get involved in other projects that appear every day on the DeFi space and some of them are scams, while some are veritable phishing links meant to gain access to your wallets and wipe it clean. Trust wallet allows you the option of opening multiple wallets. It is quite easy.

I say this because the DeFi space can be addictive. There is so much going on there that you feel like you are in an international market for shitcoins and grand ideas. Such places are also full of conmen with shitcoins, rugpulls and all kinds of interesting scams.

I would like to congratulate Leofinance for bringing the hive chain into the DeFi space at this early stage. I see all the possibilities besides liquidity pools, staking options, swapping and lending. The government token for leofi would ensure a constant utility and this would affect the price of Leo and of hive. Well a lot has been said about this in the posts of those who are more tech savvy than my humble self. So I will leave off.

I have been waiting for this kind of active development on here for a long time. This means lovely discussions and speculations. Leofinance.io users will have reasons to make posts for years to come. At least we can talk about other things besides prices of hive and leo.

Can Leo handle a fork of the Etherum smart chain in the same way as Binance did. It would be crazy considering how cheap transactions on the hive chain are compared to Etherum or Binance. I am speculating though.

The future of this chain has changed. We are moving from the sidelines into the centre of things. We are saying that this chain, the hive chain can be anything it wants to be. I ma sure that many DeFi products will be launched from the hive chain in the coming months and years. It is an awesome time here.

Though, the announcement does not say how many cub will be giving for 1 leo, owning a stake in any project launched by the Leofinance team is a win win as far as I am concerned. To enjoy a blogging platform, a micro content space, a DeFi project all out of one blockchain space for me is the best thing ever. It is time to make some money, I tell you.

You can read the update post here


It’s great news.... I just wish I had more LEO before the Big Airdrop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have about 360 leo. It is not much in the scheme of things but I'm happy I didn't sell and I also staked. I know I won't have much cub to play with but if I can work something out with leo and cub and ant other airdrop token in the future, I can create a merry fund here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah .... I think Leofinance was the place to be. Missed the boat on this one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can still get on the boat. Just get some leo and stake it. The snapshot is tomorrow. You still have some hours.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do we need to participate in the BSC LP to fully claim out CUB?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can just stake your leo or you can have wleo in liquidity

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Still bullish on Leo. And congratulations to everyone here at this point. You will be smiling at the bank in the long-run.

Going to get my hands dirty in the defi pie that's for sure. And thanks for the tip about creating a wallet on trustwallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sure. Staking my Leo was the best decision I made last year.
Yeah trust wallet allows multiple wallets. I suggest you have a wallet for anything that has to do with leo and others for whatever other DeFi project that catches your fancy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok, this is great but sad on my part. I wish I was an early bird.
All the same, I await the goodness and the testimonies from everyone who would be beneficiaries.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But you can still buy some leo and stake before tomorrow. You can still be na early bird.

It's pretty exciting to see this happening! I have long felt that the future of the greater Hive ecosystem lies with the Communities, and what they do. Specialized/interest/hobby niches have a lot more both pulling and staying power than "general" venues.

I expect that — in time — Hive will merely be the underlying framework for dozens of individual communities, each with their own tokenomics, but all running on the Hive Blockchain. Will there still be people posting content on the base Hive platform? Certainly! But individual communities will allow people to become more focused on their individual passions, and that passion will help drive a better overall user experience. Think about it: Very few people simply go "ON Facebook;" they use Facebook to access pretty specific niche things.

LeoFinance simply happens to be the dynamic trailblazer for what I hope becomes a much broader movement.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Amin. This is the future I see for hive. In fact, I suspect many later users will be surprised when they discover that their content is also appearing on their previously unknown hive blog.

A chain with multitude of use cases cannot go wrong. It would be awesome for the hive chain to move beyond being a blogging platform to the primary structure on which everything is pinned and the hive token taking up fully the role of governance token for the hive chain. That would be awesome.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In each community to be successful there should be their own Khal who has very rare leadership and communication skills so don't get too excited.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well that's true but the beauty about the hive chain, if people are willing to utilize it, is the presence of skilled people from every work of life who can contribute ideas and skill. A strong leader can be co-opted into a project if there's need.

DeFi honestly feels like 2017 of the endless projects, scams and yes shitcoins. What I hope doesn't happen however is what happened in 2017 where it comes crashing down. It's going to be important to have some kind of aspect to the network that has a rating as to scam or not as I'm sure many people aren't going to know.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah there are a lot of scams on the DeFi side of things. Those who know only the sanity of the hive chain and trades on Binance might become interested in airdrops, bounties, giveaways etc when they get into DeFi through Leofinance. This is full of scams and if one is not careful, one will lose hard earned crypto wallets.