
Thanks for sharing your story.

I’m glad i did… and thank you for stopping by to read!

You're welcome.

It reminds me of your second most special place again. 😅


Awesome and keep up the good work.

Thanks big man 🫡🫡

Great to have you on threads and enjoying #football

one of my many reasons why #thread is fun to me #football😊

I agree. Otherwise it is boring. We should be able to organize watch parties and earn $LEO ha ha

That will be so cool haha… make it happen?😁

We should push Khal. Sports is the tag

That’s true, hopefully he’ll see the vision.

Why is your leofinance article is opening on ecency link?

Oops, I picked the wrong link!!! Correct noted.

was eager to share, my bad.

You guys should not forget to tag me oo

haha.. it’s noted