The Hive Blockchain: Sometimes I love you, sometimes I think f*ck you.....

in LeoFinance4 months ago


A post I read the other day, which i feel more of you need to read, drew up a direct comparison between the "performance" of HIVE vs that of STEEM. I saw that a few readers got confused between price and performance, but its not the post that intrigued me, as much as the responces did. The replies in the comment section were pretty much all saying the same thing about how as a platform HIVE has so much potential, but how its run/managed could do with a minor overhaul. The link to @buggedout's post can be found HERE


In the ever evolving world of blockchain technology, HIVE stands out as a formidable contender for the top spot... Offering a robust ecosystem that prioritises scalability, sustainability, and decentralisation, born out of the desire to improve upon steemit existing blockchain infrastructures, HIVE emerged as a versatile platform with a myriad of features and applications.

The Hive blockchain, launched in March 2020 as a fork of the Steem blockchain, representing a significant evolution in decentralised technologies. Built upon the principles of decentralisation and community governance, Hive strives to create a more inclusive and equitable ecosystem where users have greater control over their digital assets and content.


At its core, Hive employs a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism, similar to its predecessor, which enables fast transaction processing and scalability. However, what sets Hive apart is its commitment to decentralisation and censorship resistance, achieved through a robust governance model and transparent decision-making processes. Hive blockchain boasts a plethora of features and offerings that cater to a diverse range of users and use cases.


Hive's scalability and sustainability are key pillars of its future success. Through continuous optimisation and innovation, Hive has demonstrated its ability to scale to accommodate growing user demand without compromising performance or decentralisation. The platform's resource-based economy ensures that network resources are allocated efficiently, preventing bottlenecks and congestion.


Moreover, Hive's commitment to sustainability extends beyond technical scalability to encompass environmental and social sustainability. By leveraging renewable energy sources and adopting eco-friendly consensus mechanisms, such as DPoS, Hive minimises its carbon footprint and promotes a more sustainable blockchain ecosystem.

The 2020 - HIVE Hex round; by @raybrockman

Hive blockchain stands as a testament to the transformative potential of decentralised technologies. With its emphasis on scalability, sustainability, and decentralisation, Hive offers a compelling alternative to traditional blockchain networks, empowering users to participate in a vibrant ecosystem of social media, decentralised finance, gaming, and more. As the blockchain industry continues to evolve, Hive remains at the forefront of innovation, driving forward the vision of a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable digital future.


There are a few things i would change with immediate effect, but for fear of being targeted i may keep them to myself for now.... When contructive criticism is offered up, it should be taken as such and not demonised or instantly dismissed as an attack. As we wenter the next bull market run, im sure no one will complain about it and everything will seem hunkydorey! But the underlying and fundamental struggles of onboarding and retention will still persist. While the early adopters and heavy investors will continue to rape benefit from the rewards pool, those looking to gain a foothold and make their way in this exosystem will continue to struggle.


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40+yr old, trying to shift a few pounds and sharing his efforsts on the blockchain. Come find me on STRAVA or actifit, and we can keep each other motivated .


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When contructive criticism is offered up, it should be taken as such and not demonised or instantly dismissed as an attack.

I agree with you. Moreover what’s the point of being decentralized when we can’t even accept all kinds and types of opinions no matter how bitter it tastes. Just as the saying goes the truth is always bitter. But I think Hive is at least trying to take in more of the bitter truth compared to other platforms out there.

Hopefully I’ll get to read about that changes you would wish to make and talk about someday. I believe Hive is not perfect, but we can try to move towards per section on the spectrum as a community if we all strive for it.

I agree, there are things that aren't perfect. I think a lot of the people I see complaining about things either don't have solutions or they are just salty about rewards. Even when my posts were making less, I was never salty about rewards. They just kind of are what they are.

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I think that this pic below illustrate pretty well the current situation. And yeah, I agree that many more people here must read with great attention that post of @buggedout and above all, the comments there so far. };)