The Price Of Leo Is Not Dropping (But It Is Going Up Steadily)

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)


So I've been watching the price of Leo like a hawk over the last week. Mostly cause I want to buy more of it and probably will as the weeks progress (unless the price gets crazy). The price of the coin seems to be going up a solid 5%-10% a day on average. This has been consistent. Not only that but the floor keeps getting stronger and higher by the day so I don't think the price is going to drop anytime soon.

Is This The Start Of The Lion's Roar?

I think so. There are very few sellers and a lot of coins are getting added to the pool and staked on this site. There is less and less coins in the open being traded and when you don't have people selling and you only have people buying well you know what happens. It is too early to tell if this trend will continue but so far the price has been going up consistently enough to call it a trend. I want to guess we will be at 40-50 cents soon but it may take a few weeks.


Only 5k USD Would Get Us To 3x Gains

If you look at the sells there is only 20,000 Hive standing between Leo and a 3x Hive price. That is only 5k USD. That really is nothing in crypto and people spend that on random coins all the time. Now that is pure buys which won't happen there will be lots of sells along with way with lots of back and forth but my point is there is a pretty clear path for Leo right now with little hurdles in its way.

I don't know where the price is going or how fast it is going to get there but all signs are pointing in one direction right now and the more I check prices the more it seems to hold that trend. Let's see what another week has to show us with price but by then this train might be speeding at a rapid pace.

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We certainly are in crazy times. It's great that LEO is getting outsiders coming in to read articles and I think some of them will stick around. That's price positive for a couple of reasons: more ad impressions means more supply lowering token burn and some readers will powerup.

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The more users we get the more Leo will grow. Between views and staking it will explode.

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I've also been noticing the constant rise in price; without even intentionally watching. It's pretty encouraging to see. I hope this trend continues slowly and steadily; I am no crypto expert, but of the coins I have been watching and ever-so-slowly collecting Leo is one I frequently find myself returning to check and be impressed with the progress of

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It is encouraging to see and I hope the trend continues.

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The chances of LEO getting to $2 is greater than its tendency to go back to $0.5 - 0.6 range. But if it does, I wouldn't need any extra analysis to buy as my capacity carries.

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I agree I don't think we are going sub .10 anytime soon. And I would be buying as well.

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That's the best decision now

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It's already breaking way higher than HIVE we're now at ATH levels everyday I see we're now siting at 18 cents, this is nuts that's a 6 x gain already

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Yeah it's crazy how fast things move in crypto.

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Leo is on an amazing path lately.

Let's go boys and girls. To the moon! :D

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Let the countdown begin!

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