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RE: The Robots Are Coming: Are You Ready?

in LeoFinancelast month

This article made me think about how much robots will change the world. It’s incredible to think about where we were just a few years ago compared with now. However, I can’t help but ask myself what kind of ethics come up with it all? What do we do for protection when artificial intelligence is integrated into our reality through physical machines like robots; used responsibly or not? How can worry be relieved over unemployment caused by machines taking over everything that needs to be done by humans; or creates economic inequality due to al large amount of people being put out work because tasks can now be completed with less employees needed thanks mainly too automation.? We need to seriously reflect upon these hard questions while going through this period of change in history. Please continue bringing them up and provoking discussion!


There are a lot of things that are up in the air. We will see how they all unfold.

The one thing I think about is the fact the governments (politicians and bureaucrats) are not going to come up with the answers.