
great collection!
don't forget the power outages these past days - Bulgaria (firsthand), South Africa (Hive), Pakistan, Iran (Media reports). Probably more too.
All with allegedly different reasons ;)

something big is going on in the background

We need exactly the right amount of XAOS in order to usher in the NWO.

Does the 'N' in that NWO stand for 'Newest'? ;)

The victor will be the side with the most innovative brainwashing.



  • Paris + Berlin + Vatican

For some reason barely anyone on Leo seems to have noticed!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Would be interesting to see the UK govt resign lol but I don't think they would unless they were 'ordered' to do that.

Even more interesting to see who/what replaces them - AI perhaps?(only a half-joke :)

uk is also very interesting atm..

have you seen the striking and held down truckers?
also heard in uk were food problems due to that?

have you seen the striking and held down truckers?

I haven't actually and couldn't find much from a quick search. The food situation in supermarkets appears relatively stable, but I don't really use them anymore - just Lidl - coz of the mask issue, so this may not be accurate. Also I'm vegetarian/vegan so don't notice the meat situation. Prices are going up and some items sell out quickly. Circumstantial evidence of folk stocking up.

we had media reports: "uk is out of eu, truckers have to do coronatests.."

I see and not surprising :(. Recently a French guy who had just arrived was sent back from Edinburgh airport coz he didn't have a negative 'test' result.

It definitely looks like people worldwide are getting fed up with grift and stalemate. I call that moving in the right direction!

stays interesting ^^

They should all go to hell. Useless corrupt bastards.

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