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RE: Checksum

in LeoFinance28 days ago

lol do not put your secret entropy in some online hash or hexadecimal converter

use a little pi zero WITHOUT wifi & bluetooth - which stays offline FOREVER

with linux on it for offline airgapped computations
(just use the terminal instead of online converter)

but be careful, with new LoRaWAN, they can make RAM to function as antenna and extract data even from completely airgapped and offline systems

not wanting to make panic - but I'm sooooo deep into the "safely create entropy and convert it to Mnemonic"


but be careful, with new LoRaWAN, they can make RAM to function as antenna and extract data even from completely airgapped and offline systems

Sure but this is some CIA level shit.
What is even the range on something like that?

It's also just another good reason to use timelocked solutions with recovery like Hive.

look at the video - it is not CIA level shit

hundreds of meters