Selling LEO or CUB should be crime!

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

It is uncertain why many people sell their LEO or CUB that they farmed or got from writing articles. I personally don't get it at all.
If these people took one second to look at the quality of the projects they owned tokens of, they probably won't be in such a haste to sell for pennies.

Take LeoFinance as a prime example. This is becoming one of the largest decentralized publishing platforms around, with many users joining everyday. Once these users join, they also begin to partake in the distribution of LEO rewards. These users can then stake their LEO to get power to reward the articles they enjoy, thus growing the platform even more!

It also helps that LeoFinance is built on the Hive blockchain, which is censorship resistant. This allows us as writers to speak our minds without fear of getting banned by a moderator.

Then there's CubFinance, which is the real banger. CubFinance is possibly the most revolutionary platform to date. Firstly, there's a strong integration with the publishing platform, and there are very fast swaps with low fees. Couple that with the fact that Cubfinance has higher APY pools that are stable than Pancakeswap , as well as higher APYs on stablecoins themselves, and it's a no brainer.

Equally, CubFinance collects fees on certain pools that will be used to buy back and BURN CUB from time to time. The supply is constantly reducing while the value keeps going up.
Then there's the bridges that are coming, allowing users to switch from one blockchain to another while retaining their private keys.

Lastly, the CubFinance kingdoms are coming, and they will be a game changer as well.

What more could you ask for? And you're literally being given these tokens FOR FREE. Why sell then?

I guess I'll never understand!

Why do you think people sell their LEO and CUB so early? Let's chat in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


OMG, I'm criminal.
I'm selling LEO
(read my other posts why I do that)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your reasons are noble sir :)
No criminal activity spotted here 😀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure it rises to the level of criminal but it is certainly head-scratching for most to do that.

Perhaps they feel there are much better projects out there. That is up to them.

I am in agreement that there is a lot being offered in both CUB and LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, saying it's criminal is overstating it 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Money is meant to spend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like your catchy theme.
Hold is good but you cannot
hold someone intention either sell or buy.
I am holding my Cub diligently.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hold mine diligently as well!😄

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta