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RE: Clickbait

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering used to be badass when you had to come up with your own ideas for decks; figuring out what works and what doesn't. But then at a certain point everyone just goes online and copies what the pros are doing and boom: the meta ruins the entire game because everyone is doing the same annoyingly overpowered strategies.

This was exactly what I was thinking when creating Splinterlands. That's why it has random rulesets and mana caps for every battle, so (ideally) the skill is in knowing what cards to use under different circumstances and on the fly rather than being able to just "net deck".


But in reality people are doing the same thing in Splinterlands too. There are classic teams. For example people come up with a classic Death team using the Haunted Spirit monster, and they win with it many times. There are "team patterns", "typical teams" you can see amongst the players. At least in the Bronze Leagues and in the Silver III League.

Yea for sure, that's why I said "ideally" in my comment. As you get to higher leagues it does get much more interesting as there can be multiple rulesets per battle, and also one day when the land expansion is completed and we have the item and spell cards added into the game it will take it to a whole different level of skill involved.

For real.

I always wondered why CCGs didn't make the sideboard more of a thing.
We need ways to modify the deck to stay dynamic.

But even with Hearthstone Arena, which was amazing for a long long time, got invaded by a bot that would just tell you how to draft your deck and which card of the three cards given was probably the correct one to pick. No matter what we do a popular game will always get invaded by Sybil attack and strategy bots. The more popular and profitable the game the more incentive there will be to hack it.

I want a new and good RTS, maybe something for the splinterlands timeline?