
Both. Silver 2 in Modern and Gold 2 in Wild. I'm thinking of quitting modern, but sometimes I'm lucky enough to play against players who aren't so good and I manage to win a lot of battles in a row, earning a good amount in sps.

Oh wow, you're an experienced player then. How long have you been playing? Yeah I would not want to totally quit modern cos the SPS rewards are much better than the ones in wild.

I've been playing for at least two years. And yeah, the SPS gain is higher in Modern, but you won't have to spend as much on rentals in the Wild.

Oh wow 2 years is long. I started this year so I haven't clocked a year yet. Yeah not spending much in rentals too is good. Maybe finding the right balance between the 2 leagues can help to earn more

Yeah, the most difficult thing in Modern is to reach a higher league, because there are few players in each league and to go to a higher one, you need to face the leaderboard tops to do that.

That's the problem. I haven't gone higher than silver 3 in modern since I started playing.

And if you drop to a lower league, you can't come back to the higher one again.

Yeah that's tough. There are too many good players