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RE: IDOs On Cubfinance Not Endorsed By Leofinance Team

in LeoFinance3 years ago

You are certainly right and it is a good reflection. You always have to take into account all the risks and be willing to assume the losses when making an investment. But I also have to say that Leofinance should be vigilant with the projects that it supports to avoid problems. Because we all understand that Amazon does not produce the products it sells, but if these products begin to be defective, no one will use Amazon no matter how much they change products. It is a question of image.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is true and I am sure there was some type of checklist they went through. However, Ethereum was not slowed down whatsoever by the fact that 90% of the ICOs launched on that chain were worthless.

Yet people lost a fortune in some of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta