My monthly Internet income update #3

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hello Hive, Leofinance and everyone else who is reading these lines !

I do my best to get the most from my time. And I try to use it to get money from internet for exemple.

To know how much I earn I try to list most of my earnings, and I took advantage of that list to share it with you, make you discover some of those days to earn and share my referral link by the way If you'd like.

Image taken on their website

There is 3 ways to earn with Honey gain :

  • Data sharing
    My earnings from sharing my data are $0.343

  • Content delivery
    My earnings from Content delivery are $0

  • Referrals
    My earnings from my referrals are $0.858

This month I was really not able to let my computer on a lot to share data and my computer is off for more than a week :


Remember that HoneyGain earnings are totally passive because the only thing you have to do is to have your computer or smartphone powered on.

If you want to earn money by sharing your internet brandwidth, you can create you Honeygain account and earn you first $5 for free by clicking on this link.

In some countries like USA, Australia or UK, the content delivery is available and pays $0.008 for each hour of sharing added to you usual earnings.

Total earnings : $1.20


You can earn BATs by viewing Brave ads or by being tipped on your Brave verified website/ youtube channel/ Twitter account and more.

My monthly earnings are pretty low regarding the number of ad I viewed.

I saw more than 40 ads in two days and I only get 0,7 bat for that. That's really far away from the moment I was getting 0,1 BAT per ad. I would be at 12 BAT.

On my computer I also earned 3 bat for only 45 ads

There was a referral program but for now it's over.

If you want to create you account, you can use This link to support me if the team decide to create another referral program.

Total earnings : 6.20 BAT = $1.28


When using the Presearch Web browser, you earn 0,25 PRE token each time you press enter. More than that, you can show you ads by stacking your PRE, the ads will be the same as on google, the first link will be the ad. The ads are shown according to keywords.

The fact that you need to stack the PRE and not buy a number of clicked links means that you can get back all of your stacked PRE and turn of your ad, you can see more info on my post about Presearch

If you want to create you account and earn your first Free 25PRE for for registering, you can use my referral link

One month ago I was at 155 PRE.

With Presearch if one of your referrals get 50PRE thanks to searches, you can claim 25PRE and this month 3 of my referrals did reach this amount that's how I earned an extra 75 PRE. And I'm at 248 so 18PRE from my browsing, for a month I was really not using internet so much.

Allying it with Brave Browser makes Browsing the internet very profitable.

Total earnings : 93 PRE = $1.33

On Hive I tested other ways to earn than posting. I found some with Hive engine tokens :

  1. ≈ 0,25 Vault daily
  2. ≈ 0,04 Tangent daily + 0,7 to 0,9 from tips.

The Vault reward is around $0,10 for a month.

The Tangent rewards is around $5 monthly. With the tipping reward increasing the more TAN you have.

I'm delegating 200HP to @actifit to increase my rank and get some more AFIT thanks to their yield farming program.

Delegating 200Hp I have a 45 daily AFIT. Which makes around $0,15 monthly on Hive-Engine.

Total earnings : $5.4

Vault earnings : 9 VAULT
Tangent earnings : 22.5 TAN
AFIT earnings : 1350 AFIT

On Hive ecosystem I also play several games, each time only games that needs few actions and a lot of patience :


On that City management game the earnings are in SIM, The more you have buildings and citizen the more you'll earn SIM.


My daily SIM income is 105 because the taxes increased. I didn't buy any new cards because I needed some money on Hive engine so I sold my SIMs. And now I'm lacking some citizens to run properly all my buildings.

TOTAL Earnings : 3150 SIM = $1,79

Let's continues with my Publish0x earnings :


Publish0x is a Blogging website as Hive does. You earn from writing and tipping, except that here this isn't based on you account size, you have a certain amount of tip you can give each day.

They don't have their own token, they use Ethereum or ERC-20 tokens. For now Basic Attention Token (BAT) and Ampleforth (AMPL).

I share there some post I also share on Hive, but some original too.


I didn't post that much this month, only 3 posts because I didn't take the time. We can also add the 22cents of my previous monthly report, which is not counted in the screenshot because it was in November.

If you want to create you account you can do this using This link. To be able to write you will need to fill a form and you shouldn't wait more than a week after that.

Total earnings : $1.56


To the date of the last update I was at 1225 HivePower and today I am at 1414.

@french-tech did offer me 100HIVE for the Hive power up day ! Thanks you again for that ! I will not doing is generous present for my earnings. That makes me having 89 more Hive power than previous month.

According to the today price of Hive my earnings since last time is : 89 Hive = $10.20


I would also like to make a recap of how much my last mounth report brought me on Hive and its tokens :

Approx $0.99 in Hive

$0.48 in LEO

$0.005 in CTP

$0.005 in ASH

$0.0018 in Archon

And less in BPC, PAL and LASSECASH.

This makes a total of $1.7015 if you add the earnings on Publish0x.

I'd like to make a total report of every 2nd layer token I earned during the last month but I'll need to prepare it and make it easier to count each month.

Here I'll put some additional things that make me earn really few cents but I still use it, because I like to use it.

  • Crypto Idle Miner


Crypto Idle Miner is an idle game where you earn money for lining and trading Cryptocurrencies. If you want to know more I already wrote a complete post about the game.

You can use my referral link to create you account and allow me to unlock some in game rewards.

Earnings : 1500 HORA = $0.04

For the moment I have nothing more to add but this will be bigger in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is great to be able to make money online. Of course, you have to be able to sort out the information and figure out where the real opportunity is and where the scammers are. However, he who searches, he will always find.

Posted Using Aeneas.Blog

too many crypto opportunities and income pipelines! we need to find the best ones

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Aha, yes I'll continue to use it and see what happens.

I already removed one in my post because it wasn't increasing and i'm finally thinking that I'm not keeping the last part because the income is ridiculous.

I hope I'll find the good one too ! For the moment Hive and it's second layer tokens seem to be the best I have without investing

and little by little all of these take a small amount of your time so you need to find what suits you best!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For the moment the one that's suiting me the best is Hive for the moment.

Maybe Publish0x too 🤔

yeah i think the same as well

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta