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RE: What constitutes a quality post on Leo Finance?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

For me, as long as there is a real content into your post, 200 words is enough. That might seem pretty short but if it's well made that can still be great, 300 is still probably better.

I totally understand you, I enjoy making long posts but sometimes that can be really time-consuming.

My last post (around 2000 words) took me hours to do, and this was really hard to keep focused all this time. And that was easier than when I do posts for leofinance because that was my opinion and my reflections, I was not sharing something I read where I would need to give exact information.

I believe in you, you are able to make your posts short without loosing too much quality !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you so much for the feedback, I wasn't expecting such a well written reply :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta