
If someone wonders about the context:, the almighty all-knowing khal stated it is the 10X REWRITE of leocache and there will be stress test with replies:

Are there leocache improvements like full-text search? Yes. But is this specific feature about leocache or about any cache at all? No. Cut the bullshit. This over-hyping and marketing stuff is one of the reasons why I left leofinance.

This is just Hive being used as usual. We could go with that route too when we first designed threads, but we had different plans back then. Just because you are not going to implement those doesn't have to be marketed as 10x cache update.

I care about this because I care about Hive and the community. And this style of marketing makes me want to throw up. I just can't shut myself up with something obvious like this. I see it as my responsibility to the community.

That is still a stress test, I don't understand the point, leocache is just a guidance at the end, you already know threads are fetched from nodes.

We have more than 5 new feeds, a search option and statistics which all cached, so no matter what this is a stress test for me as all get updated.

But in the screenshot I shared it specifically says you are stress testing threadcasts, not the other way around.

That is still a stress test, I don't understand the point, leocache is just a guidance at the end

Well, how is getting all child posts clientside in a single hive API request is a leocache stress test?