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RE: Retort To Leofinance Misinformation

in LeoFinancelast year

I've been waiting for this post.

Reply 1

Shill? Maybe. That is a matter of opinion. Paid shill is simply untrue.

That wasn't my argument, that's what I know. You have right to reject it, of course. But it isn't my argument.

Reply 2

This might be the case but, so what? I don't care if it is that way because Jack Dorsey couldn't count to 245. The fact is Twitter introduced microblogging.

So what you say? Well, your wording, here you go:

For example, when the foundation for the Internet was being created, who knew that people would end up wanting communication 244 characters at a time. That was not expected as a major use case.

It wasn't something planned, it was an accident. You were trying to create a rhetoric on LeoFinance doing and planning something unique like that. Other than that, what you say is true.

Reply 3

It most certainly did take 2 years.

This idea came about in August 2020. How do I know this? Because I was the one having the conversation with @khaleelkazi. When it was decided this was a good way to proceed, there was an account set up to offer the engagement while it was being constructed.

It is how the date is so clear:

Well, I started working with LeoFinance at December 2021, started working on in May 2022, was main developer of it from end of August 2022 to my quit date, mid of January 2023. You know this well. So, I know the most about the development of "threads".

Yes, "microblogging on Hive" might be an idea from 2020, but implementation started towards end of July (typo on my original post) to mid September. It is reimplemented by scratch start of the September (to be exact) by me. The idea is valuable, but it is only the half of the story. You always talk as if it took 2 years of hidden development to implement it, in reality, it took 10 days (not consecutive) of my time to get the backend working. This miscommunication with the community is wrong. You might not consider this important, I get it; well I think not that way, so here we are.

Reply 4

This is too long, just gonna reply the important parts.

So the claim is that the name "Project Blank" only came about

No, Project Blank was there; but the work I did wasn't PB in the first place. I was the one that suggested rewriting old UI from scratch and did (only the alpha). So, if it is the microblogging we call PB, why it is announced after the rewrite? Because microblogging was there before the rewrite; well, even people asked about if threads is PB in Q&As. It was replied as "it is experimentation of PB". But, in reality, there were no serious changes except for new UI from the moment of that question to announcement of "LF was PB all along".

So, it is a clever marketing move which I have no problems with. What's the point of announcing an existing feature of after the twitter look-alike rewrite, except for marketing?

Notice how it says "After 18 months of working on databases and key infrastructure for project blank". That throws the 3 month timeline out the window.

As I stated above, it took less than a month of previous dev's time, 10 days (not consecutive) of mine to implement it. No key infastracture or database involved. Here is the date of commits (start date is several days earlier due to my commit style). You are really swimming against the wave here.


Reply 5

To presume the existing giants in Web 2.0 are unbeatable is a risky stance. We might be watching the unwinding of Reddit (albeit not the biggest of players). The point is that it might be 10 years, or 50, but many of these entities (in both social media and finance) will end out.

Correct, issue is not web2 can't be challenged. It is that it can't be challenged by LeoFinance at current state. They have thousands of engineers working on every aspect of it. I won't say the amount that works for, but it obviously isn't thousands. Considering web3 is way harder to develop with all the hiccups, a lot of money is needed to bring in serious engineers. Ads isn't enough for that.

Reply 6

Yeah that is how it will be done by implementing what 3speak built.


Reply 7

I won't reply this except I simply disagree. I have strong opinions on it and sharing them wouldn't be professional, considering my job etiquette even though I left half a year ago.


Thanks for replying my comment in a post, I could not reach more people without you posting it, as I'm only active in HiveDevs discord, not on Hive itself. My concern isn't about LeoFianance, it is about the hype-train that's built on incorrect information. So with the knowledge I have, I can't stop myself from correcting people. I was also doing that before I left. LeoFinance discord and leothreads are littered with my messages, I was replying people with wrong hype, including you. So, fixing your narrative and facts, that's the only thing I care.


The dialogue is good, even if we may disagree on some things. Appreciate the back and forth! I’m not close enough to all this of course but it’s good to see info, retort then info.

Thanks. I'd like to do the right thing, I have nothing to gain from seeing Leo fail. Feel free to ask if you have any questions about it, I'll reply as long as it fits into my business etiquette.