Do you want succeed? Make things happens!

We want success, and we want it fast, we want it all and we want it now!

And all of this is really good. Because it is not bad to want success, and I will not be one of those who will tell you that it is impossible to achieve it quickly; because I am one of those who think that of course it is possible. But ask yourself?

How far are you able to work for your dreams? I mean, how hard are you willing to work for what you want? And for starters, do you know exactly what you want? It is not about having vague goals here, but about knowing specifically what we want, when we want it, how and where.

From those questions will emerge the most important questions of all: What are we willing to do to achieve what we seek, and what exactly will we do in that regard? And how much are we really willing to work to get what we want?

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Will we work day and night, weekends, all year to achieve the success we want? Are we willing to work earlier and go to bed later than most people to achieve the success we seek?

Will we be willing to sacrifice breaks, outings, family gatherings, friendships and leisure time to get what we want?

From the answer we give to these and many other questions, we can get an idea of the commitment capacity we have towards our goal and towards ourselves. Because wanting to achieve success and wanting to achieve it fast, but not being willing to do everything necessary to achieve it, is like going to a store to buy clothes, choosing the clothes, trying them on, and then not being willing to pay what the clothes are worth. It is simply nonsense.

Make things happen
What is required to be successful at something is to make things happen. Do you want to have a new car? For when do you want it? How much money will it cost? And what will you have to do to get the car you want in the time you want it?

Don't just tell yourself... "I can't humanly make it in that time"; better say to yourself "How can I achieve it?" I assure you that this small change in the scheme of your thinking brings in turn a change of vision of things that makes you achieve great things and will allow you to achieve the success or goal you seek to achieve.

If it's a house you want, go straight to do whatever it takes, work as much as it takes, save as much as you can, and use every possibility you think is possible to buy it; and you will get it sooner than you think is possible.

Do you want success?... Make things happen. Do you want to get a better job? Do not give up like a loser or say that it is impossible to do it because you have already tried many times without success. You have to be willing to walk every meter, every inch of distance until you get that job.

Success will depend on your own effort, and when you finally understand it, you will never blame anyone but yourself for your failures; What's more, when you do, you will never see any event as a failure, but rather as a temporary setback, and you will know that you will never give up on the road to your success. And it will be the greatest success of your life, because it will allow you to achieve every goal you have in your life from that moment on.

Remember: We want success, and we want it fast, we want it all and we want it now! And it is possible to achieve it!