Little drops of productivity

in LeoFinance11 months ago

My work life has taken a huge pause due to the unavailability of the owner and developer. He’s currently deep in the development of the second platform I’ve just been employed to design. Although the entire app was almost completely designed when I got hired, I needed to make important corrections and design certain important parts that were missed by the previous designer.

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Unfortunately, I didn’t get a proper handover from the previous designer, I was able to find my way around and get the job done on time. I found it to be a new experience for me because I’ve never taken over a design job from someone and worked on a product I didn’t design from scratch. It’s hard but it’s a needed experience for me.

In the meantime, I don’t have a lot going on so I’m back on the application horse. I found a very interesting 6-month training program that comes with a 6-month internship by Womenn Techsters that I started applying for.

The application process is quite long but save for one unanswered question I think I’m done and if I’m lucky I’ll get a chance to learn more and get some more work experience. It’s my second application to a Women Techster program, I got into the first one but due to their setup, I couldn’t continue with it.

On the side, I’m also making certain plans to get started with my Podcast by contacting a few people I know and seeing if I can get them onboard. So far, I haven’t gotten the kind of response I want but soon enough I’ll get it sorted out.

Working has been a major drag for me for a while now but I’m believing that in the next few days, I’ll be able to get myself back to doing some more serious work.

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