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RE: The Hive Economy: Providing A Living For Millions

I agree with you that HIVE and Web3 could be a massive gamechanger for many to earn wages while using social media. I think if not in this cycle, but the next bull-run cycle we're going to see a massive adoption wave of Web3 social media as hundreds of millions of people begin to realize the value behind social media that rewards you. Early adopters such as us will benefit the most from this wave of adoption, and with massive user incorporation comes massive value, look at how Facebook had a total market cap of a trillion dollars at one point. However, I do believe it is important to never be content for just one income source and to understand that if you truly want financial peace and freedom that cryptocurrency and investing should still be viewed as a side hustle. In my opinion I don't see myself leaving my profession for at least another decade as I enjoy doing what I do and being inside all day would make be pretty bored. But that is the beauty of Web3 is that it will give us the opportunity to monetize our idle time that we spend on social media which is amazing! The best formula for success I believe is to acquire real world wages and use your spare time to grow yourself on Web3 allowing you to increase your capital dramatically rather than putting all your eggs into one basket regarding Web3. Combine that with another side hustle, maybe designing digital products like coffee mugs and selling them, and I think you will find that in the long-run you were greatly rewarded for your efforts! Just my two cents though I just believe that having multiple sources of income by acquiring a real-world skill in which you learn to provide a necessary service such as cooking, building, shipping, some sort of trade will allow you to always ensure that you can provide whatever necesseties you need for yourself.