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RE: Totally clueless no longer

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Great work for not carking things up, mate! Honestly though, having not come across physical wallets often enough, they can prove daunting the first time. Better have those seed words engraved and kept safe. Most importantly, never let Grouchy know what's on it! The little bastard would spend all your crypto on Legos or something. 😈

Posted using Dapplr


Lol...Cark means to die in Aussie slang.

Wait, hold on... I thought "cark" was another way to say "don't f**k things up"? 😱

Nah, it means to die. Cark it is generally the term.

Ah, oops. I guess I'd congratulate you on not carking it up with that new Bitcoin wallet, eh? 😉

Carking...Jeez mate.

I'm sorry, master. I guess that's an "F" for my Aussie Dialect Studies, eh? Detention isn't bad, I suppose.

Lol...Naughty corner for you dude!