Importance and value of the Inleo, ecency and hive Keychain

in LeoFinance27 days ago (edited)

Hive blockchain is growing and developing on daily basis, hive blockchain is one of the top blockchain used for development of decentralized applications and Frontends right now there are so many dapps develped by using hive blockchain

For game lovers @splinterlands is very well developed and papular cards based game designed and developed on hive blockchain but for doing other activities like posting content, upvotes and wallet management @Inleo formly known as @leofinance, @ecency and @hivekeychain are very important and most liked or used dapps

I love to use for posting threads I mean for microblogging and articles posting and I also love to use @ecency for exploring content to upvote. For wallet management and other activities I love to use @hivekeychain

Inleo and ecency are very well developed and papular dapps in hive ecosystem but still we can't say these are all in one application still we have to use other applications and Frontends depending on the purpose and requirement but still these top 3 applications are becoming more papular and developed day by day, I personally strongly recommend @leofinance @ecency @hivekeychain @splinterlands and @peakd to other hive blockchain users if they are still not using them


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I'm a sucker for Ecency dear friend.. Ecency is just the very best in my opinion..threads on Inleo are awesome and I hope you try Waves on Ecency...

This Frontends are improving.. and I hope you updated your Ecency app they have some great improvements 🥰🥰 you can ask @ecency for all details.. ooh and there's mire updates coming soon on Ecency.. lovely blog

Currently I am trying both waves by @ecency and threads by @leofinance I love to use both dapps at the same time

That's very good 👌👌💯💯💯

still learning and exploring this ecosystem day by day. There is indeed a lot to learn. Thanks for the update