
Lately it's been hard to believe we were ever at that level. I have a screenshot of my wallet value the last time we were up around $3. It was pretty mind blowing to see.


So I have personal Hive funding and then hobby funding as well. I was blogging about my hobby in order to fund my hobby because I don't earn enough to fit a hobby fund into my budget... but then a friend suggested that instead of collecting HBD right now, to collect and stake HP instead and assist in my Hive goals and help me build myself up to 5000HP and above.

I am now well on my way to Dolphin status and over 700HP of that is for the Hobby fund!

Now I have other things to consider with that kind of cash!

That's great! Building your account now will pay off down the road for sure! The HBD to HIVE ratio is favorable right now that it just makes sense to move it into HIVE or HP. I remember it took me forever to get to dolphin status.

So if I have 1000HP by the time the bull run hits and Hive runs to $3 then I would probably have more hobby money than would make sense for me to spend of hobby stuff!

I play Warhammer 40,000 and the idea would be to buy and build whatever models I want... but $3000 worth of hobby stuff is too much!

So I thought... If I DID have $3000 in Hobby fund... stick that into HBD savings and make the interest the hobby fund, giving me a $50 a month to spend. I still keep the $3000 and I could even compound it further if I don't need to buy anything.

This is separate from the personal funds flip flop. lol

There you go, that sounds like a smart idea. When I started putting HBD into savings my first goal was to be earning 1 HBD per day in interest. Once I hit that mark my new goal was 50 HBD per month, then 100 HBD per month. My new goal is 150 HBD per month, but my growth has slowed because I am moving my HBD into HIVE right now while it is cheap.

That's awesome! 1HBD a day?! So... 30 HBD a month so... $1800 in HBD savings!

Right now I am only adding $5 to HBD to savings each month. I have needed the liquid HBD most months.

Once in a which when there is a crisis, I need to spend the money which I recently did, so now I am powering up to rebuild the savings target for the month which is $90.

Haha, baby steps.

Yes, that is correct! Every little bit adds up!