Hive needs promotion and advertisement to grow. My idea!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hive is a home of million of user. The question arise, if this number is enough. The simple answer is "unenough" Growth of any community depends upon the people involvement and investment both with time and money. This means more active more chances of growth and investment.


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Million is not a bad number considering the age of HIVE but the unfortunate thing is that majority of the user are sleeping partner. People easily attract any project which offers attractive reward. Attractive reward again means more investment. This situation highlights the importance of marketing and advertisement of project.

I was shocked to learn that 10% of US population don't know about the king of coin BTC. If the world most popular coin having 700 Billion USD capitalization has such standing, than it will be difficult for coin like which has market cap of 133 million USD. Massive advertisement and promotion is necessary for the growth of coin specially at the time when majority of coins are under immense pressure due to intensive energy usage.

Individual efforts will be un enough for this purpose. we need collective effort to promote this amazing community, which is under performing despite having huge potential.

We need idea which hit masses at one go. Idea like sponsoring some evet or advertisement in world most watches games. I understand it required huge invstment, but the problem can be resolved by making collective fund. In this regard, incentive may also be given to such people who contribute on this promotion fund.

This is the way, we can move ahead. Together we can grow. What is your opinion my friends? Wish you all a very happy, helathy and prosperous life ahead. Have a nice time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


To make hive more popular it is better everyone create awareness for the currency.

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One can't underestimate the power of individual as all big journey started from single step. There are many individuals here who already promoting this amazing community. Collective effort is required to make it to next level. Thanks for stopping by sharing your views @abimbola753