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RE: Being a Hive User Gives You an Unfair Trading Advantage

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I tend to hoard my $Hive on chain like Smaug as I am loathe to cash out years of work for a few bits of fiat I would piss away. What I DO enjoy is swapping $Hive for $HBD because it stays on chain, in my wallet and there is some nice volatility/stability contrast with the coins.

The end goal is really to stack as much Hive as possible and having some say in buying low and selling high while staying on chain is probably not much, but fun.

What I AM going to do is buy BTC in little bits here and there through the automated teller machines I see to keep it cash based and not have a big flag on my bank account. With that, I would like to do some swapping against BTC because they seem to have lives of their own lately. It would be great to cash in on some of the Bitcoin FOMO and convert it to Hive which actually is a currency (community, fast, cheap)

I totally agree with you again my man. Happy for your continued success here that you actively make for yourself.


I like that approach a lot. I've heard from a few different Hive veterans that trading on the internal market has been a great way to pick up on some wild swings and low liquidity. I may have to try trading it a bit more actively since I'm on here anyways.

To me, trading is less about making money (although that is an obvious end goal of it) and more about staying engaged with the asset and industry. I do the same thing on the stock market to stay engaged.

That BTC strategy sounds interesting as well. Keep it small and keep it "off the radar". I like it

Keep it up 💪🏽

Posted Using LeoFinance