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RE: Little Luxuriously

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I often think about the memes “if I win the lottery, I won’t tell anyone, but there will be signs”

I live far from the lap of luxury in my mind as i build my own business and support the lifestyle of my family. Some folks would probably think differently. Particularly ones in different parts of the world or on the other side of the inflated hpusing market looking to get in.

Still, luxury has to do with perspective and mine right now would be $100grand in HBD savings, a couple new cars (just current versions of our modest ones) a yesrly vacation somewhere tropical for my bride, a renovated kitchen, no mortgage, and a cottage beside a lake woth a brewery and a battalion of hot chicks. See how that can spin out of control?

I am trying to swap luxury with happiness and work toward financial freedom. That sounds like luxury right about now.


Still, luxury has to do with perspective and mine right now would be $100grand in HBD savings, a couple new cars (just current versions of our modest ones) a yesrly vacation somewhere tropical for my bride, a renovated kitchen, no mortgage, and a cottage beside a lake woth a brewery and a battalion of hot chicks. See how that can spin out of control?

🤣🤣 Love it!