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RE: Split Down The Middle

in LeoFinancelast month

It seems the world is not connected by internet and technology and our perspective has changed from local community to eyes on the world. As liberating and enlightening as that can be, it also has its drawbacks as anything good does.

I see people gathering virtually in echo chambers where the narrative is to hate or blame something for their problems. It is so easy to stop connnecting with the community around us in favour of bearing the weight of the world including the environmental crisis. Medicine has perplexed me lately as eastern traditional clashes with the western big pharma folklore vs science narrative. It will be a little from each to get it right.

I find a soljtion is to grab a manageable drinking vessel and just sip from the firehose and not to drink it all at once. Focus on what we can control and pour efforts back into people within a couple miles of us. Amazing how that helps perspective, and brings you back to satisfying results.


Social media is comparable to a community, as porn is to a loving relationship.

Those echo chambers are like artificial sweetener, they don't feed the brain what it needs. And like colored candies, pretending that they are filled with nutrients, leaving the body wanting.

Spend a month diving deep into one topic at a time - then return to it yearly for another week to stay updated. Every year, you could add a couple more.