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in LeoFinance2 years ago

January has always been a period of mixed decision, to buy more or to sell a bit. There isn't always much profit to take this period though, and as you have said, the market just cannot go in one direction either.

Been watching hive too, to know if they will be a declaration in the price. Many would love to stack more, but in the same sense, many will love to sell more and take profits.
Whatever the case may be, it's yet another season for great achievements.
Indeed Hive is the right mix of recipes; love this line.


Taking profit in crypto is something we need to think of.
When you are in crypto you should stay in crypto unless you have a dire need.
Crypto is the place to grow and keep the grow where the control is within your reach.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed it is.
Personally wanna make that my focus this year. Learning to stay in crypto
Thanks for the beer!

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