
If after so much hard work you don't get success then before starting any new work you will think many times that I have done similar work before in which I failed and so much of my hard work was wasted. was


Yes, assessment and self-introspection are a part of any job/work we are involved in. That will correct us and align with the right process and progress.

You will also have the confidence that if you have completed this one step, you can complete the remaining steps as well. The joy of successfully completing of one step will motivate you to complete the next step.


Yes exactly, you will have some sort sense enjoyment and satisfaction after having accomplished a small task, that may take more time to create such feeling in big task after they are time intensive.

It´s the best strategy to acomplish what we aim for. Big projects take time and dosification of workloads

It is important to divide big tasks into small steps because when you complete a small step, you will feel happy about its successful completion.


I tend to agree with you because I feel that small tasks do not create performance anxiety.

Sometimes it happens that when you start a big task, you get bored with the work. Because no final result is seen quickly. You get the idea that after working so hard if I don't succeed in doing this, so much of my hard work will be wasted.

Getting frustrated is common. For example preparing for an exam and you get a bad grade.

But in this, you have learned many things, you just have to persist and improve what is wrong. Thanks for this thread, is really interesting! :3

Yes, that's super important. It's how I approach any task I set out to do

It is a safe way to advance, although if you are in a hurry you must do big tasks

Big things usually come in small packages. I think it is best to always tackle big tasks in bits. It gives a sense of accomplishment and progress. It helps to make big tasks manageable too.