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RE: Sam Altman: Computing As A Currency - A Web 3.0 Idea

in LeoFinancelast month

Worldcoin was something that generated a lot of controversy due to the fact of identity and security, but I remember endless lines of people scanning their eye to win some coins, I personally did not participate, besides that here in Venezuela this kind of thing is not seen very often.

I do not believe that AI will end employment, as much as technology is advancing I do not see a clear idea of how AI can become self sufficient without depending on humans, so in that way employment will always be there for everyone, it is just a matter of adapting to change and see that now AI can help us in many ways and that there are new professions thanks to AI.

It was interesting to read your article my friend, I hope you have a great start of the week.


I would say that, in the US, the labor force participation rate tells the entire story.

It peaked in 1998. Since that time, the percentage of working age people actually working had declined. Thus, I conclude there are less jobs as a percentage of the population. This is not surprising since we know technology only got more powerful.

If you see what OpenAI just released, you just saw two professions, call centers and translators wiped out.