Introduce me with the mitsubishi canter 120Ps.

in Planetauto3 years ago

hi hive..
Introducing me @marpoyan, I am a newcomer to this hive world, I have a profession as a truck driver engaged in the transportation of building materials, I really love this job, and have been doing it for 15 years.

Memorable experience as a driver.

One of the most memorable experiences during my time as a truck driver was when there was a flash flood in the Muara Kapuas area, at that time not many cars could pass through the area to transport refugees trapped in the flood.

Because I feel they need help, my instinct as a sense of humanity arises, my truck that I use is a 120ps mitsubishi canter.
without hesitation I braved the flood to help people who were trapped in the flood, so I could take them to a safer place.




At that time the water conditions had receded somewhat but there were still many residents trapped by the flood, and they certainly would not get any food aid supplies because the refugee points had been set for soup kitchens and all kinds of needs of the population.u

I think it was a memorable experience in my life with my favorite truck, the Mitsubishi Canter 120PS, to be able to help residents affected by the flood disaster.




Who am I.

Name : Manurung sofyandinata.
Occupation : Truck driver
Address : Batang Hari, Jambi Indonesia.
Status : Married.

I may be just an ordinary person who only works as a driver, but I have extraordinary goals, namely wanting to be a parent who can make my wife and children happy, I started to know about this hive after being told by my friend about hive, and recently Here I try to register and introduce myself.

After studying, I chose the @planetauto community because here I can interact with other friends who are engaged in the automotive field such as my profession, namely a driver.



Hive friends, that's a little bit about me, I hope I can be accepted in this community and thank you all for supporting me.


Welcome marpoyan!
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Thank you, @marpoyan, for sharing your post with us, and welcome to Planetauto! 😊

Your story is fantastic - you helped so many people, and I hope that you are proud of yourself for your effort.

Please keep sharing your posts with us - I look forward to hearing about your adventures as a truck driver.
