
No one ever has really won a war ,.. war only brings destruction and suffer to all the people on both sides . Good people don't wan't war , good people don't become soldiers , good people live peaceful non destructive lives , or at least do there best trying to.

Thanks for your input @small1axe ... I hope you're finding comfort, wherever you've chosen to be these days.

Almost a shamed to say it , my comfort is fine thks . Woke up to having no more coffee , or breakfast , but while sipping my early thee and was just wondering about what to eat , my rock-star metal drummer neighbor knocked on my door , handing me a warm instant coffee ,.. and while enjoying this wake up drug the other neighbor dropped off a bag of scampi's ( shrimp ) some bread , a jar of instant coffee powder a citron , and even some nicotine . I heard you where short on this she said with a smile and left me to grill those shrimp's on my electric grill .
No , i can think of others that are more near stressful uncomfortable situations ,.. like @shepz1 for example .

It would be so nice if we all could just get along with our neighbor's .
Witch reminds me ,... how is your wacky neighborhood these days ?
Any interesting weirdness going on lately ? ;-)

Don't be ashamed of your comfort level. You deserve happiness...😎

This fella seems to have resources in the area.

Still waiting on the pitchforks and torches to come out, with fingers crossed.

Thanks for the link FBA... I'll check him out😎 Hope most things are going well enough for you these days.

I'm doing fine.
Sold some minds tokens, should have a bike before too much longer.

Either I didn't know you were now without a bike, or my old brain merely forgot...?!?!?!?

What happened to the Hog stored at ?"brothers house"...?

It's still in its basket.
I don't have the tools/knowledge to break it all down and put it back together without missing something.
I'm gonna try to include it on the deal to get a running one.

There's propaganda on both sides. However, there are a lot of questions about the timeline. Russians left Butcha on the 30th of March. On the 31st, the Mayor of Bucha told the city was liberated and nothing about the killings. Then Azov comes in and lots of bodies with white armbands appear. It's all strange.

Mayor of Bucha told the city was liberated and nothing about the killings. Then Azov comes in and lots of bodies with white armbands appear. It's all strange.

Good to see others who notice such anomalies with the arrival of 'Azov' when dead civilian bodies start to appear upon the streets, @bagofincome. Especially when reported by MSM operatives...

Thanks for your input.

Yep. Lame Stream Media is propaganda.

9 out of ten advertisements ending with a list of side effects that only a brainwashed lemming could not see.

Turn on RT for an hour. Amazing seeing things from the other perspective. And no BIG Pharma Drug Cartel adverts.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yes... tuning into the other side's propaganda sometimes help to serve with attempting to ascertain the truth; which is usually buried somewhere in the middle between both parties claims.

Nice to hear from you @krazzytrukker... hope all the kitties are happy and healthy -- you too,,,😎

Yay! 🤗
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