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RE: Puzzling Over War

All the wars are bankster's wars.

When you really get into where the wars started, you find banksters behind them.
And then the false flag to get America involved.
And the Military Industrial Complex makes lots of money

The war to really look into is the Vietnam war.
Which wasn't a war, it was a Cocain Import Agency operation.
And had rules of engagement that was designed to make the war perpetual.

When i got enough pieces together about this war, Nixon closing the gold window (1971) Kennedy being shot, the CIA paying military officers to make sure certain teams never came back...

The idea we were fighting for freedom and democracy was completely falsified.
This was more of a war to bankrupt and destroy America.


I would love to pin all the blame on Woodrow Wilson and his vision of paternalistic progressivism through state bureaucracy controlling everything in association with banks and other corporate interests since WW1, but it's a messier topic than even that explanation.