Protests, Riots, Conscience

in FreeSpeech4 years ago (edited)

Rats! by Claire Wolfe

There has already been a lot of unrest this year, and 2020 isn't over yet. There have been gun rights protests, lockdown protests, police abuse protests, arson, mob violence, and more. The election cycle is as divisive as ever, and people are pinning their prejudices on the major party candidates. November 4th could be messy.

Wherever you fall in these societal conflicts, I want to urge a few precautions:

  1. Respect the rights of others, and don't senselessly collectivise people in order to justify your own aggression against them. Dehumanizing others is easy, but counterproductive.
  2. Watch for mob mentality in the crowds around you and in yourself. You are always responsible for your own choices and actions, no matter what those around you are choosing to do. Practice situational awareness and self-discipline rigorously.
  3. Beware of snitches, informers, agents provocateur, narcs, finks, and similar vermin out to wreak havoc. Read Claire Wolfe's book Rats! here for free to get more advice on this topic.

I once heard someone say that your ends do not justify your means, but rather, your ends are contained within your means. You must choose means that can achieve the end you seek. This requires wisdom, something few pursue when passions are inflamed and anger boils over. Think now while you are relatively calm so you are mentally prepared for whatever comes down the road, and let's all hope I'm just a Chicken Little warning that "the sky is falling!"

I don't want to live in fear myself, and I encourage you to enjoy life as best you can despite economic upheavals, political conflicts, and governmental abuse. But try to be aware. If I'm off target with my warnings, by all means, comment below.

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I have heard some folks predict nothing but mayhem from November through January. I hope they are wrong. And I hope to avoid all crowds.

We saw that people were primed to riot this summer. Everyone seems to be stoking the flames of unrest unceasingly. I'd say it's a possibility, but not a guarantee.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Try to find that ever elusive balance in life. Fun/safety, Spending/saving etc etc

You are not "off target" with the recommendations above, in my opinion... Hoping for the 'best' yet, preparing for the worse seems fitting for the days ahead.