
Let them vote to secede.

Ok let me try it another way....

Let them just SECEDE anyways.
If you 'Vote' to 'Leave', you are 'SUBJECT' and 'CONSENTING' to stay. How folks can't 'see' what I just said is tantamount to the programming directed at not allowing them to do so.

What formal notification of secession would you prefer?

Simply refuse to acknowledge the central authority?

Wouldn't that naturally invite armed conflict?

Wouldn't that naturally invite armed conflict?

Who would enFORCE the conflict? YOU would. I mean, you in your STATE of MIND that you are in until such time that you are not.
Govern = Control

Voting for Mind Control is almost as bad as 'fake voting' for mind control.
Necessary evil? Mind Control? Is it ALL mind control?
Who's going to round you and your gang up when you say, "we are done with your system, leave us alone"?
The change must be the STATE of MIND. Not just YOURS. Spread, like the Convid-19.

You have to first realize that all of this is by your consent. If you do not consent, you have to say so. Are you looking for ways to officially say so? Then you should be asking/searching those that already do that. There is all kinds of deeper levels of fake governments on top of other fake governments, but all the fakes are faking the People, who support the fakes instead of, not.

There is all kinds of deeper levels of fake governments on top of other fake governments, but all the fakes are faking the People, who support the fakes instead of, not.

That's a good point.