Let's Talk About Labels

Labels, they always seem to trigger me. It makes me feel uncomfortable to be identified as being a certain way. Some people have no problem as being seen as an intellect, say for example, or a hippie. Not me, I just don't like this idea of being shoved into a box, where suddenly, everyone has these pre-concieved ideas, about the type of person that you are. Suddenly, they believe, that they have permission to pass judgement on you.



So please if one day you ever meet me, leave your labels at the door, or the border, which ever comes first. But seriously, where does this desire to label people come from. Perhaps it's because we are trying to identify with one another. To find a connection even. I guess some labels are important, like a healer for example.

But I also believe, that we have been taught to put ourselves and others into boxes, which in the end, cuts us off from being able to fully experience life and to continue to grow.

I do think it is fascinating to try and research, when this concept actually first originated, because it is definitely tied into the idea of class and race. Which really causes a division between us all and that is something that doesn't sit well with me.

Don't get me wrong, I have been guilty of labeling other people, simply because of the way that they dress or act. I don't always mean to, but it seems to happen almost on reflex. It is something that I have been working on, fully aware that it is also something that has been ingrained in us.

Like I mentioned earlier, perhaps some labels are necessary and helpful even. But it also, does seem to give people the permission to make assumptions and have huge expectations of those people as well. That if they are a healer, then they have to be a healer 24/7. And if they act out of character, so to say, you they lose credibility.

Labels, can come with a huge amount of pressure and expectations.

I guess for me, it is more about this idea, that we can only ever excel at one thing, or be good at one thing. Which really does limit our human experience.

Think back to being a child, how much you liked to explore and how everything seemed to be possible, where you had no limit, not even the sky. Where one day you were a tiger and the next a ballerina. You just embraced the many different flavours and colours of our personality that we each embody. The many ways in which we express ourselves.

I try to re frame from asking what my girls what they want to be, (i.e in the future) and instead ask them what they wish to be today. Usually at some point in the day, we ask one another what our favorite animal, food, song etc, is of the day of indeed what creature we want to be.

Language is so important, the words we use on order to communicate with our children and ultimately with ourselves. I have been unschooling myself, from certain trains of thought, for so many years now. Liverating myself, out of boxes that others have tried to put me in and also the ones I placed myself in. We have been trained to think a certain way, after all.

Of course I can identify with many different labels and they can be numerous throughout the day. One minute I feel like this, then ten minutes later I feel like another. I am so much more that just a mother, friend, poet, vegan, activist, we all are. And yet, I used those exact labels on my blog, as a short intro into who I am. So does that make me a hypocrite?

But really, I just want to be recognized as being alive, right here right now, living my best life and sharing it all with you. No pressure, no expectations, no competition, no segregation,a HuMan BeIng just like You!

I would love to know what your thoughts are about labels. Feel free to share in the comments or write your own post and tag me.






We have been trained to think of ourselves and every other human as limited. We must recognize the infinite natures of ourselves and those of others. Labels are tiny prisons, self-imposed, and imposed on others. I'm so happy when I hear of children living as yours do. These are the beings of the future, the guardians of freedom and love.

That if they are a healer, then they have to be a healer 24/7.

That's why I hate saying I'm a teacher on HIVE. Or anything!! Because I am all things, and none.

The mind tends to discriminate out of necessity: snakes are dangerous, trust the parent, etc. But human beings go to far. I think that image says it all . Labels mean we aren't thinking and are reluctant to think beyond the superficial. We are all guilty of it, and we can harm ourselves and others in this way, but we can just try our best to catch ourselves when we start discriminating in a disabling way.

You have quite some good skills in writing, wow! I'm not good in writing long stories. I prefer spending most of my time drawing.

I have been guilty of labeling other people, simply because of the way that they dress or act. I don't always mean to, but it seems to happen almost on reflex.

I'm guilty of this too but then I just end up doing it sometimes.
Labeling is not really necessary but then sometimes we feel it the best way to screen who we want to be close to us which is a wrong way of picking friends.

Interesting take on labeling of people; they can be quite restrictive in scope - yet somewhat useful at times.

It reminds me of the difficulties within the attempt to define 'who' we are when put to question. Our mind spins through the many chosen labels attached to us throughout life, with none singularly, being an adequate response...

Thank you for posting this within the Freespeech Community 😎 @Trucklife-Family