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RE: Serfdom & Sorcery: The First Hive Blockchain Game on Discord

in Psyber-X Communitylast year (edited)

Every single interaction with Botto of all 1200+ total players has always been recorded on the Hive chain since it launched in 2021. This provides full transparency. For example players can easily track all changes to their balance over time.
We don't issue coins every time players execute a command (like with your in-game currency). We always opted to use it to mine the next token of the game. We did it first for BOOM and MARS; now they can mine PROX. BOOM and MARS could be claimed for DOOM just by holding Hive NFTs when they claimed their rewards in the game (they have to win at least 1 match of the 3D game to unlock claims for the day).
(we could have had it claimable directly in Discord like we do with our ChatGPT Tipping bot but that was not our goal)
