What would happen if Google shut down for 60 minutes? - Tech Humor

in Funny4 years ago

We all rely more or less on Google. Because when we open the computer browser, first, we start searching with Google. Have you ever wondered what would happen to our real-life if Google shut down for 60 minutes? Have you ever wondered what would happen to our real-life if Google shut down for 60 minutes? I can't resist the urge to share a little information before I talk about it. And that is, once in August 2013, Google was shut down for 2-3 minutes. Surprising information is that in just these 2-3 minutes, the entire internet traffic was reduced by 40%. A similar incident took place in May 2009. Now think about what will happen if Google shuts down for at least 60 minutes in 2020 or any other time?


Although today's blog is technology-based, I urge everyone to read it as a partial tech-humor, because I have a hobby of writing tech-humor. I want to fulfill that hobby a little through this blog. Let's not exaggerate; let's see what will happen if Google is off for 60 minutes?

At first, no one can believe it!

At first, no one could believe that Google was not working. As a result, for the first few minutes, everyone will be busy checking their internet connection. Some will call their internet service providers to report problems. Again, some people will start dealing with the hardware error of their computer. Think, can you easily believe this fact?

What will happen when people understand what's going on!

Some people will then realize that Google is closed. Again some people will then stand between faith and disbelief. They will be desperate to reload Google's home page, when it will work! Because when something is missing, people feel the need for it more. And when they realize that Google is off, the things they will do are -

  • People around the world will be busy sharing screenshots of Google server errors. E.g., Error 500!
    Google Oops -Server page.PNG

  • There will be a storm in the Facebook newsfeed with the closure of Google. Many severe issues in the world, such as militancy, oil war, corruption, will be lost under Google's shut down problem.

  • People will start looking for alternative search engines. But with what to look for? Because most people don't know that there are more search engines besides Google. Think for yourself, how many search engines do you know?

  • Traffic will overflow on Microsoft Bing and Yahoo search engine; Because these search engines will be the last reliance on them to know the real facts.

  • Search engines like DuckDuckGo (a search engine that never tracks) will be busy promoting themselves. Some people will think it is better Google is off. For now, people will not be tracked anymore.

  • Many Internet applications that use Google services will stop working. And just shutting down Gmail will cause a collapse in trade and commerce around the world.

  • Not just Google, most of the companies in the world that rely on Google will suffer massive business losses.

  • Those who use Google Maps may get lost in the middle of the road.

  • YouTube fans will be silent, and Google's rivals will be singing songs of joy at this time. Some will be busy making different trolls.

  • But even after all this, there will be no problem in China. Tell me the reason?
    Tech in Asia

That's what will happen when Google returns to form

When Google comes back after resolving all the issues, they will first analyze the problem and give a press briefing. Technology lovers around the world will try to disclose the various causes of this. They will do different blogs, vlogs without knowing the truth or false. As well as, some hackers will continue to spread rumors to get acquainted that they have hands behind the incident. Chinese or Russian hacker group can also claim this achievement. No wonder. Also what could be beside all of these -

  • Blogger @pitboy can do a mega-blog on Hive, how the world of technology depends on Google.

  • The media will start a hair-raising analysis of what happened to the whole world in the fall of Google. Why it happened, whether it will happen again, whether important information has been hacked in this case! Over-sensitive countries and individuals will be deprived of sleep at night due to the worry of leaking information.

  • Many people will start arguing for Google's alternative. They will make alternative arrangements for all Google services. There is a saying that a burnt cow is scared even if she sees a thunderstorm.

  • Many leading technology blogs will come up with the article, "Google went down for 60 minutes. You won't believe what happened next." Or "10 things to do when Google goes down the next time". And some bloggers like me will translate them as their language and post it to Hive. 😆

Though this is a tech-humor, all of these could happen soon. So we have to keep an alternative way open for everything. Because it is foolish to rely solely on anything. We know that Google has no alternative. In times of danger, we can think of nothing but Google. Anyway, I hope you had fun. And if you enjoyed, don't forget to press the upvote button.

And if you didn't enjoy it, look for some funny videos. Just Google it!

Original content by @pitboy


Genuinely speaking, I am not a writer. But I tried my best to express what I think. Never give up. And I'm not giving up! Hit the upvote button, and reblog if possible. It will inspire me to write more blogs.


Who am I?

I am Marwan Aka @Pitboy from Bangladesh, the land of beauty. I am a Social media advertiser, a traveler, a Youtuber and, trying to be the right person.

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