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RE: Who Be Smokin' Dat 'Cat Booty Juice?'

in Funny2 years ago (edited)

You mean kopi luwak? Kind of a bit different as those cats eat then shit out the beans, though sorta similar I guess. Lol. I tried it once while living in Bali, but thought it was pretty overrated.

That does sort of cause context to reconsider though. 🤔

Hmmm… mid 2020-2021 was actually pretty good. Since then… been a bit tougher, internally. have sorta felt stuck in a time loop. Could certainly be worse as suppose life’s handed me a pretty good position to be cemented into, though last few months been some pretty challenging emotional lows, tbh. The extreme isolation of this 6/2 “on the roof” may be getting to me. Blah, blah, blah. But if I were to just go along with the conditioned social program, I’d just robotically be saying “great” like everyone else irregardless of their inner truth, right? But zero energy left to play that game. Sigh. Yeah. Alright, and not at the same time. Bouncing back & forth throughout the days. The yin-yang duality of life. 🤷‍♂️


Sooo.. I finally wrote a reply. But it's on the lengthy side so it's a whole post -
