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RE: A quick test to see if you are mentally suffering. and in need of help...

in Funny4 years ago

People are just/only careful. Coronavirus is not a joke. If you (or any of your friends/relatives) would caught it, you would probably be careful too. It is easy to be a warrior from behind the monitor.


People are just/only careful.

Why? because the govmnt/msm told you to be?
Are you really careful each year with the flu?

....tell me, when has the last global closedown occurred because of the flue?

More die each year, from the flue, than the con virus. Between 300K and 650k, annually.

Math is a fucker for those led emotionally by the nose.

If you (or any of your friends/relatives) would caught it, you would probably be careful too.

Not an argument. Math doesn't cover personal stories.

"More die each year, from the flue, than the con virus."

Maybe because people are careful? Not to mention the fact that currently there is no vaccine to coronavirus, but there is vaccine to flu. Probably this is why people are more careful in the case of coronavirus than in the case of flu.

haven't realized vaccines cause more flu outbreaks have ye? keep the Mercury out of my veins anyways. I don't want autism in my next seedlings.

I live with autism spectrum disorder, and I know that some people with autism have certain outstanding skills. Some of them are better than the "normal" people. Having autism does not necessary bad. It could even be the opposite. Autism have many levels/types.