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RE: Honesty And Truth

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

Life continues to be busy. I seem to find less and less time to be online

It's not a bad thing tbh. I think so many of us spend too much time on line hard lining content, to be fair though, you do loads of cool and interesting stuff with the girls and your friends, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

But being true to myself, that is really important to me. That is what drives me, it's what fuels me. My life would be hugely different if I didn't stay true to me. At the end of the day, we only have this life, this moment right now, it's what matters the most. So how are you living yours?

Well said, life is fleeting and passes by quickly. You've got to remember to enjoy it as much possible, but it's not always easy, sometimes there are obstacles.

Hope you and the girls are keeping well 🙏🏻


Thank you @ablaze, we are well. Life continues to be busy and I'm doing my best to flow with it. Hope all is good with you and the family. Love the donkey post xxx