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RE: Weekend Engagement - My Most Memorable Moment of 2021

Hi @papacrusher

What a phenomenal post and you are truly inspiring with your consistent efforts, you are so right that making a few small changes can all add up over time and breaking down the big challenges into smaller efforts makes it easier.

I must admit I'm tempted to try the carnivore diet to lose all the baby weight I've put on during this pregnancy - mostly because I love eating meat (I'm a South African boer meisie) but also to shed the extra 15kgs :)

I am so glad that you are feeling healthier, happier and much more alive, that is awesome. Keep up the excellent work and have a wonderful year!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and to stay and comment. I love the interactions of Hive. I now it seems crazy, but after the second week there was no arduous effort at all. All cravings and addictions (for the most part lolol) were just....gone.

January happens to be world carnivore month and it is a way for advocates to get their message out there and for interested people to give it a try for 30 days. There are tons of people who just keep going after the 30 days because of the amazing benefits and how phenomenal they feel.

I working on a much more detailed post about my little adventure, but a few people that really inspired me were Laura Spath and her husband Chris. They are just two regular people who got tired of being sick and tired. They are so transparent about their ups and downs with their journey and they each lost over 100lbs within a year. She has a Youtube channel and they both have an Instagram. My two go to experts are Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Paul Sualdino. Dr. Berry is very plain spoken and down to Earth and Dr. Sauldino will make your head hurt with scientific data lololol They both have Youtube channels and Dr. Berry does a weekly live streaming Q & A on Monday nights.

Happy New Year to you and I hope that it is exceedingly blessed!