What you call passion, I call living.( weekends experience 144)

wolves are to hunting as horses are to running,
beavers build bridges as I make music
What is a Lion if it can't roar
What is an eagle that can't soar
Who would I become without music I don't know
Art is my life
It is the essence of my time

The making of melody is my part
And the combination of words pleasing to the heart.
The arrangement of colours and curves
The selection of figures and forms
Where every shape has a meaning
And every colour excites a certain feeling

               (Written by me)

I remember in college when I spent the night at a friend's and he called me a music freak as I wouldn't let him read or sleep because I was singing almost the whole night. As I have come to understand that engineering was classically a form of art hence I see the relationship between the engineering that I studied in the university and my natural affinity for anything art. The passion goes beyond just a mere selection of a career path dictated by the influence of peers and family, wealth of established professionals or some form of prestige paramount in the society. The affinity for music and ability of art runs deep in my family as we all (sibling and parents alike)have our lot in art of different sort.

I love music and I have written not a few songs although no one has offered to sing them,but it really doesn't matter to me if anyone would because the writing of the lyrics is the expression of my very soul. I have very good ears for lyrics and melody and I can easily pick a playing song randomly even on the street with noise and the song will ring in my ears for hours until I have the time to do an online search for it. Sometimes I stop in the middle of conversations to listen to a distant playing music and quickly do an online search for it. My friends are already used to this and they understand when I suddenly go mute with my hands in the air shaking my head often to a music that they can't hear.

I find it fun to make patterns for wall decoration as I did many times in my living room . Painting and repainting of my home is normal for me because I have this compulsive desire to bring out the designs in my imagination to reality at least for others also to see. If there is anything I have not repainted in my house I think it would be my cutleries and utensils because even my clothes too have been painted. OK Maybe my electrical appliances too-I don't want them looking like graffiti you know.

I have countlessly found myself tweaking designs of boats (I studied Marine engineering) for reasons I couldn't understand until later owing to the fact the art part of me needed to force the engineering skills set of mine into use. I am currently working on the design of an airboat. Well I just hope when its built that besides looking shiny it doesn't sink.

For me art(designs and music) is the air that I breathe, the words that I speak, the house that I live (pun intended) and the life that I live. You might as well change my name if you demand that I forget art because it is my identity