Rainy Weekend Escapade

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago (edited)


It was raining intermittently the past week with almost non-stop downpours on the weekend. We had swimming planned with our cousins and the place was already booked for Saturday. As we woke up to the sound of heavy rain tapping on our windows, our initial excitement for outdoor activities was dampened. I messaged my cousin if we were pushing through, and she replied "Yes, we already cooked the adobo!" So, rather than surrendering to the weather's whims, we decided to embrace the unexpected and find joy in the rain-soaked weekend.


The resort was in a town nearby. We had the place almost to ourselves that morning, with another group (also a family) that came later on. The kids (and the kids at heart) had so much fun at the water. Every now and then the dark clouds would hover above and then heavy rainfall would follow. No one minded the rain. If anything, it added to the fun.

We thought of going to the seashore but it was prohibited that day due to the bad weather. The sea was rough and we could see from afar the strong waves crashing. We did not insist.

The kids stayed in the water almost non-stop. They would go under the splash areas which was really fun. I personally enjoyed that huge splash of water above - not one of my cousins though, as her son would not let her go under it. Oh, what a protective little man. LOL.


I guess the highlight of our day was when my aunt along with one of my cousins and my nephew went down the big water slide. The attendants were actually hesitant to let my aunt go, but she did nonetheless. They just asked her to let someone wait for her at the end of the slide. Down she went, but somewhere in the middle she lost grip of the pad she was sitting on and she lost control. We watched her as she landed on the pool with a big splat. There she was, wriggling like there's no tomorrow. We were laughing so hard (yea, we're cruel like that! haha)


In the end, it wasn't just a swimming escapade that defined our weekend. It was the laughter, the playful moments, and the shared experiences with our cousins that made it truly special. And guess what? The next swimming bonding escapade has been set for next month. XD

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Great that you didn't let the rain ruin your day and it was full of laughter and family time.
It's been a while since I've been swimming and seeing your pictures made me want to take a dip, hehe.

Haha. Yeah, to think we almost didn't go. 😅

No hay nada más rico que bañarse en la playa o en la piscina cuando está lloviendo a mi me encanta y ver estas imágenes hasta me dieron ganas de salir a bañarme je je je son hermosas

So true. We didn't mind the rain at all. It even made the experience better.

It shows that it was a spectacular Saturday and that the paaeon of wonders

Weeww, adobo is so perfect for swimming. You know, I so love native chicken for adobo and bring it at the resort or any place where we could have fun. I so love the place sis. How I love slides and honestly, been a while I have not tried it since I had a horrible experience when I almost drown. I do not know how to swim and it so happened my friend pushed me at higher depths, hehe. But all is well. I see you were having a great weekend.

I also didn't try the slide, especially after I saw what happened to my aunt. Funny but scary at the same time. LOL. We had the moment captured on video, but just didn't share here. XD

Cheers to us who don't know how to swim! Nyahahah