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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 38: Inventions

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Ode to the Greatest Invention Ever.

Cradled like a child.
Warm & Soothed
Sensual like my sweetest lover.
Eased beyond pain into rest...
Peace soaking into my very pores.

Into the hot fragrant waters I recline, deep sighs of release & delight.
No judgement is uttered as I'm received completely, naked and as I am.
Even when the ardour cools, I am so soothed and calm it matters not.
He swirls my cares and worries away tidily as I limp off to bed.

Image Source


Hmm...I've had to shield prying eyes from this image...If you know who sees this there'll be a remodel at great pain to my bank balance!

The humble bath huh? Such a good invention and I'll be honest, I'm not above some tub-time myself, although I'll admit it's rare. I'm more a shower guy. I've tubbed in the wilderness many times...A stream or lake...I did the Kokoda Trail in PNG a while back ant that's all there was...It's sort of freeing I guess...Maybe that's why baths are found to be so relaxing? Takes us back to our cave person days?

Or it could be because the oils or bath bombs, hot water, soothing music and...Even the company.

Legit invention...The G-dog approves.


Gotta say I prefer wild soaking too, although an incident with a large water snake in a water hole out back of the Flinders Ranges years back was more than a little disconcerting. Here? You need to be seriously careful in still water due to all manner of tropical nasties. But I confess I have happily frolicked under many an icy waterfall. LOL. So I can be a shower girl too.

Company in the bath? Yup. That works. 😆😍

Wild soaking...I want to do a post called that now!

The Flinders Ranges...My back yard! I have to say, I've mot bathed with any snakes there though...Well...Not that I've known about. The Kokoda Trail though? I shudder to think.

I've done a lot of wild soaking...A few photos...None that will hit the chain!

Company in the bath...Just seems legit...Or under a waterfall too I guess.

Damn. I knew I liked you for a reason. I've got a fairly extensive collection of wild hot springs for soaking too. They really are all over the western US. I've also chipped ice to bathe. I'll promise you that if I hadn't thought I was going to get laid I'd have postponed that one. I was right...

Lol...Chipped ice. You're a beast! I've not done that, but I've bathed in some pretty interesting situations and wouldn't change a thing...No matter how frightened I may have been of being gobbled up by a fucking snake!

The things we do when the other brain is in charge! LOL

Ahahaha 😁 Sometimes ya gotta ask yourself who is really doing the thinking man!!!

When I'm hurting inside our out there's nothing like a nice hot bath to soothe my soul. I bathe in the shower but RELAX in the bath.

Nailed it! Men who like to soak in the bath? Let's just quietly whisper that it's on part of my secret pre-dating survey. LOL. Showers are great for cleaning but a bath is a balm for the soul - and an inportant natural health tool. YYup - I'm an epsom salt bath fiend. Nothing more relaxing!! Well - almost ..... 😆

Wishing you an awesome Sunday @bigtom13 😘

Whenever we go on holiday or even when I need to stay somewhere overnight locally, I always check if the room has a shower and a bath. No is a 'dealbreaker' I could not live without my bath, despite it making me sound like a pampered manchild lol.

I could count on one hand the number of days I have not had a bath in the last 2 decades, my bath is my own, private sanctuary, I have my best ideas when soaking in my bath, I learn via e-books and YouTube tutorials and debates while in the bath. It is the place I can most effectively 'process things' and some of the biggest decisions of my life have taken place within it's curved & sloping embrace.

Your choice is an awesome one and I concur massively. 😎👍🛀

LOL let the bath-lovers rejoice - always a happy day when another one of us publicly declares our loyalty!

Yup - I concur on learning, decision making, pondering and thought - creativity is enhanced, as is learning, by the magical alpha state the warm liquid embrace creates.

May you enjoy your bath today, and every day.

Ah absolutely. A tub is one of the things my wife takes every single day lol we will definitely be getting a really nice looking tub that suits us better when we move! I have taken a tub from time to time and am probably overdue for one, they are pretty relaxing indeed!

When we moved house at Christmas, the ONLY serious requirement (apart from some form of a garden, relative privacy and proximity to the school) was a tub. Your wife sounds like a smart woman.

My aspiration for the new home I'm planning to build for myself? A tub for 2 with awesome solar hot water! 😆


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I loved it!!! Very creative your entry, very expressive 😍🤗