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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 50: The natural world

A few years back this was a pretty grisly story:

More than a dozen feet in shoes have washed up on B.C. beaches — and 1 case remains unsolved. Five years ago, a grisly discovery was made on Botanical Beach on Vancouver Island, B.C.

That was kind of what I was thinking, pretty much macabre humor.


Oh I just recently watched a documentary on that. They found out that most of those feet where from suicides from a bridge in that area. Because of the current they got washed up there. First they thought it might have been the mafia because in that area they are or used to be kinda big. But it turned out it was mother nature washing the poor souls taking their own lives up there. Maybe the one or other murder was in between but yah...still kinda creepy to find a foot lol. They didn't got eaten up as the rest of the bodies because of the shoes.