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Greetings, friends. After a few weeks without writing for the Weekend experiences community, due to a busy schedule, I'm back to write about one of the interesting topics that @galenkp offers us every week. I chose the following topic linked to the now distant high school days.

How were your high school years? Did you enjoy them, were you studious, lazy, bullied, socially or sports oriented, did you misbehave, lead by example, take the opportunity to build valuable skills and so on. Explain with examples - Use your own photos.

The high school years are usually difficult years, because they are times of very rapid physical, emotional and mental changes. Therefore, we feel confused, we are no longer children, and we do not want to be treated as such, but we are not adults either, we do not want to assume the responsibilities of adults. Often these are years of rebellion, of opposing our parents, sometimes we feel that nobody understands us, we do not even understand ourselves.

Love for books

Since I was a little girl I liked books very much, I liked to read all kinds of books, but especially short stories. That's the reason why I studied literature and dedicated myself to writing from a very young age. But knowledge has been another of my passions, that's why in high school I was always among the best students and in the first years I was the best student in my class.


In the years I studied high school I was very timid, it was very difficult for me to talk to other people, and I did not find friends my age who had the same interests as me: art, literature, reading. I was a sad young woman, I thought about deep subjects that I read about in books, I had no one to talk to about those subjects, except my literature teacher, Professor Mario Fernandez, who lent me books, from time to time he would talk to me.

The day of my high school graduation with my literature teacher Mario Fernandez and David Epstein my boyfriend.


With my highschool friend Luis

However, and although they did not share my love for books, I had some friends in high school, with whom I studied, went out to the movies, to eat hamburgers and things like that, especially my friend Luis, with whom I had also studied in elementary school, and even today is my friend, although he no longer lives in Venezuela, my country, he currently lives in Spain and Jeanine, who lived very close to my house, she was a sociable, cheerful girl, very different from me, but we became friends and she loved me despite my oddities. Sometimes we went out in a group with other friends.

field trip with some of my high school classmates

Those days as a high school student have a bittersweet taste for me, because I felt most of the time isolated, misunderstood, not having people my age to share my interest in art, literature; but at the same time I am so grateful to have had those friends, that despite my shyness, my self-esteem problems, my difficulty to fit in, they were my friends, they studied with me, they invited me to go out, they gave me their affection.

High School graduation day

All photos are from my personal photo album, I took them with my cell phone camera to share them with you.

I am a Spanish speaker, the translation of my text into English is from Deepl.com because my knowledge of English is not enough to write my text directly into English.


Thank you very much for your support.

Good friend. Have a nice day.

Amiga I understand you, I used to be very shy too and my tastes were not the same as my classmates, many times I was alone even when I was surrounded by classmates. I try to remember the good things and the rest leave behind. Excellent post 🤗

Dear @naath Thank you for your comment. When you live in those situations you feel very lonely, but in the end you will happily find people with the same interests as you. At least that's what happened to me.

I also sometimes felt lonely at that time, perhaps because I spent so many hours reading the books I found in my family's bookshelves, and then I had no one to talk to about them, sometimes I got frustrated... but I loved reading so much that it was an unquenchable and unpostponable thirst before anything else, even if it meant having only a small and reduced group of friends.


Well, dear @adaluna1973 we had several situations in common.When I started my literature studies at the university then I did find friends who had the same interests as me. And that was great. 😀